Friday, September 02, 2011


Today's the day! The day I finally try to make a pavlova, solo. It's not finished yet, but I will say, so far so good.

Now for those of you who don't know, pavlova is a British dessert, or Austrailian or something, I've heard many different stories but  what you need to know is that it's kind of wonderful. It's like a meringue [but better] topped with cream and fruit or what have you. Jonny was pretty much brought up on it, and his mom's pavlovas are AMAZING. So needless to say, I've got a lot to live up to. 
Oh well, I won't cry if it goes kaput.

If you were at our wedding, you might have snatched a piece of Wendy's famous pav there. 

So here's a look at what my first attempt looked like...
Step into our kitchen, 
 The separated egg yolks looked like a flower, it was cute. Ya know, if flower shaped eggs are your thing. 
Alas, I've found a sugar I can use to replace "caster sugar." Thank you, Domino!

Reassurance on the side of the box is always nice.

So after a lot of mixing of egg whites, a pinch of salt and a generous amount of sugar, you get something that looks like this
A wonderful lump of goodness, ready to go in the oven.
Looks like marshmallow fluff, and tastes even better!

After the Oven:

 Later, once it has cooled, I will top it off with these things,

and take it to a gathering of friends where we shall devour it.

The end.

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