Thursday, December 15, 2011

ice skating date/embrace the camera

So I've read this one particular blog for a good while now. It belongs to a gal named Emily, whom, though I don't know personally, I'm sure we could be great friends. That might make me sound creepy, but really she is great, and I love reading about her ever-growing family. On Thursdays she hosts what's known as Embrace the Camera, her way of encouraging mothers/wives to be included in the picture memories they are taking of their families. So I figured I'd give it a whirl. There's a real nice button that I'm supposed to link up to for this, but since I'm not that good of a blogger, well I couldn't figure out how!

Here we are, Jonny took me ice skating last weekend. It was perfect. The last time I was on ice skates, pretty sure I was in seventh grade, I fell down a lot more then. We skated until our feet were sore!


The Kastens said...

Super cute picture of the two of yoU!

Welcome! I love embrace. I started just a few months ago. It's fun! I too like you LOVE Emily's blog. I will say, I struggled with the button, so maybe you had the same issue?? You have to copy it you have to put the link into the "Edit HTML" tab. Hope that helps!

Jen said...

Such a sweet picture! Embrace the camera is so fun!

Nicole said...

love this photo of you and your man.

and cheers for having such an adorable blog.


Michelle said...

Welcome to Embrace the Camera on Thursdays! I love it! (although, I don't participate as much as I'd like). I, too, love reading about Emily's family!!! The picture of you and your hubby is adorable!! I love it {and ice skating...I competitively figure skated for almost 10 years...but like you...I haven't been on the ice for a few years!) Thanks for sharing and hope you join us on Thursdays in the future. Your blog is way cute, btw.

Boni Lady said...

Super cute {embrace}...welcome to the ETC movement! I've been embracing for awhile now and LOVE looking at all the bloggers who link up!


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