So Tuesday was the little man's estimated due date.
Good thing it's exactly that...
an estimate
I mean really? Who thinks they can use the same formula and apply it to every single pregnant woman,
and it turn out to be true?
Some guy did.
I have issues with that guy.
Just kidding.
We've been taught in our Bradley Method classes that the average pregnancy for
a first time mother is 41 weeks and 1 day.
That would bring us to this coming Wednesday, March 27th.
I had a Dr. appointment on Tuesday where I did a Non-Stress Test,
really for peace of mind,
because I hadn't noticed the little man moving as much anymore
and they always say to let them know if there is a decrease in movement.
However, he passed with flying colors and the tech said he is "one happy baby!"
He really must be happy in there,
so happy he doesn't want to come out!
We scheduled an appointment for Monday, where we will have to do another Non-Stress Test and an ultrasound.
It's just standard procedure for those "overdue"
to make sure the baby is still sustained by the amount of room/fluid he has in the womb.
Also, standard procedure is to induce at 42 weeks.
We are most definitely wanting to avoid chemical induction,
so please pray with us that this little guy will come on his own, and soon!
Even before the Monday appointment would be great!
In the meantime,
I will keep walking and reading.
I need a hobby.
My mother-in-law taught me to knit at Christmas, but I've already forgotten!
I was so sure I'd have a baby to tend to by now,
but the Lord has other plans!