We've been back from our trip to Missouri/Arkansas for two days now.
It is always hard to get back into the swing of things
when you've spent days just lounging around,
eating yummy turkey
(and stuffing, and casseroles, and salads, and rolls, and pies).
Oh my.
We had a great time seeing both of our families and are looking forward to
doing it again in less than a month for Christmas.
I was horrible about taking pictures this time for some unknown reason
and I only caught a few on my phone.
Christmas will be different.
Christmas will be different.
(Just gotta keep telling myself that.)
But back in Louisville,
Jonny is studying hard and finishing up a paper.
He has finals this week, and a big paper due on Thursday.
That night we will celebrate by going to a Getty's Christmas concert!
I've been writing Christmas cards and getting things organized.
I'm 24 weeks pregnant today.
I know that still leaves quite a while before the baby's here,
but I just love thinking he'll be here soon!
We keep acquiring things for baby boy, our bedroom already looks like he is here!