Monday, January 30, 2012


Well, Jonny's hair was very long yesterday, 
so he decided to cut it. 
I'm sure he was doing a great job himself,  but then he called me in to the bathroom to tidy up the back.
I don't know what happened, or what I could have been thinking. 
But I just took the trimmer and completely ruined it. 
I must have thought the attachment was on it and it was only going to trim it or something...I'm really not sure.
I was so sad and shocked and worried that Jonny was going to be mad at me. 
But he was sweet to me, and shocked, but he knew it was an accident!
I love him. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have responded so graciously if he took a chunk out of my hair.
So, all his hair is gone because of my big whoops. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

coffee shop dating

We enjoyed our monthly coffee shop outing last night.
Actually we don't really go monthly.
We thought we might go once a month, but we don't.
And we didn't even get coffee.
Jonny got an italian soda and studied for his Hebrew placement exam, 
which he passed! A semester of teaching himself Hebrew has paid off, woo hoo!
I got some sort of fruity-tootie tea. 
I think I just liked it because it was in a glass bottle.
I much rather prefer plain ol' unsweet iced tea, 
which I've been brewing almost daily in a mason jar.
 I fiddled on photoshop.
And loved our random, we're so married, not so monthly, coffee shop date.
Simply because I love Jonny.

Monday, January 23, 2012

39 years, 54 million lives

Yesterday marked the 39th anniversary of the passing of Roe vs. Wade in the United States. A decision that has allowed the destruction of millions of unborn children, an estimated 54 million to date. And our president rejoices. Saying,

"As we mark the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we must remember that this Supreme Court decision not only protects a woman’s health and reproductive freedom, but also affirms a broader principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters. I remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose and this fundamental constitutional right. While this is a sensitive and often divisive issue- no matter what our views, we must stay united in our determination to prevent unintended pregnancies, support pregnant woman and mothers, reduce the need for abortion, encourage healthy relationships, and promote adoption. And as we remember this historic anniversary, we must also continue our efforts to ensure that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams."

John Piper said it more eloquently than I ever could, three years ago when President Obama released a very similar statement in celebration of legalized abortion. Press play to listen.

You can also listen to our Pastor, Ryan Fullerton's sermon from last Sunday, by clicking on the link just below.

Sanctity of Life: Rescue the Perishing | Immanuel Baptist Church

Monday, January 16, 2012

trenton turned ten, and some other cuteness.

January 15, 2002
My new best friend was born.
So what if I was 13 and he didn't even know me?
He learned quickly that we would be inseparable.
And we were, for quite a while.
I remember exactly what I was wearing when we met that night he was born.
A grey sock cap with my shoulder length, permed hair sticking out of it.
(Yes mother, I should have listened to you and never got one.)
A yellow and navy-striped rugby polo under a
(this is the best part)
black zip-up hoodie, embellished with a bedazzled 
statue of liberty on the back of it.
Oh and I almost forgot, high top Reebok basketball shoes. 
Yikes. Oh the trials of an awkward teenager.

But Trent didn't mind. As I said, we were practically inseparable. Before he was a month old I taught him how to wiggle his eyebrows up and down. 
Here we are just after he started Kindergarten. There's a bandaid on his cheek because he just got smacked by a golf ball (total accident).
And here he is again this past Christmas, with his beloved BB Gun. 
He doesn't weigh much more now than he did in Kindergarten, but he is always growing taller. 
And, unfortunately, he doesn't think I'm as cool as I was back then,
when we were inseparable. 
Maybe I should bring back the embellished, bedazzled statue of liberty hoodie?

Regardless, I love him just the same! And miss him (and his siblings) everyday!
Jonny and I called him yesterday, it went like this...
Trent- "Hello"
J+J- "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...(we sang the whole thing)
Trent- "Yep, it sure is. January 15, 2002. That's the day I was born.
Janaye- "Yes, I remember it like it was yesterday."
Trent-"Yep, me too."
Jonny- "You do? What were you doing that day?"
Trent- "My mom was in the hospital, duuuhhhh."
Janaye- "Well what are you doing today?"
Trent-"Drinking a Dr. Pepper."
Janaye- "Okay, well I love you. I miss you. Wish I could celebrate with you today."
Trent-"Yep, love ya too. Bye."
He was more interested in the presents he needed to open. 
I mean, if I was ten I probably would be too.

Growing up way too fast! Sniff.
And that is why I am thankful for sleepovers! The last few times Jonny and I have
visited my family in Missouri, Trenton and his sisters have come over for a sleepover.
Trenton faking to be asleep. Emma laughing at Trenton faking. And Miranda, just always so sweet.
He actually slept with his new BB Gun by his side. 
(Don't be alarmed, I made sure it was not loaded)
 See, Trenton and Emma are fakers. Miranda is just adorable.
Trenton may be too cool for me, and Emma is attached to Jonny's hip, but I still have Miranda's loyalty.
So we make brownies together.
the end.

do not pass go, do not collect $200

So last night, I'm sitting on the bed and Jonny enters the bedroom.
He comes to the edge of the bed and gets down on his knees and
bends towards me with his hands folded in one another and says, 
"How much do you love me? Would you do anything for me?"
I'm just trying so hard not to smile,
 wondering what he could possibly have in mind.
He wouldn't budge and tell me, until I answered his question.
I finally broke down and said "Yes, of course."
I should have known it was nothing serious.
He said, "Would you play Monopoly with me?"
So we played two player Monopoly. 
And I actually loved it.
I usually dread games that require me to think. And I usually unashamedly proclaim that I will loose and there's just really no point. 
So we brushed up on our knowledge of the game and began.
And I'm not even kidding, I was winning by round one. 
Jonny had little hope of recovering from the get go. 
I sneakily kept notes of the hilarious comments Jonny was making. 
He doesn't like to loose. 
Here's just a few, 
  • "This game is awful."
  • "You're a fat cat."
  • "Can you take loans in Monopoly?"
  • "I hate this game."
  • "I'm making it through, buying the bread." Every round, when he nearly went bankrupt.
  • "I want to go to jail! At least it's free to go there!" (Because he kept landing on my expensive properties)
  • "Will you let me take a loan, pleeeeease? I don't want it to be over!"
  • With a priceless expression on his face, "Oh, think you're cool because you own boardwalk, do ya?"
  • "A Chance card! That's what I need in life, a chance!"
  • My personal favorite, "Community Chest is rarely good because you're the only other person in the community and you're a scrooge!" 

Never a dull moment.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

pieces of the puzzle/embrace the camera

The summer we met, Jonny gave me a 50 piece John Deere jigsaw puzzle as a joke.
When we were engaged we completed a 1000 piece of Noah's Ark.
We put two jigsaws on our wedding registry, 
but I think people didn't take us seriously...
But we are serious.
We really enjoy putting these together. I think it's the sense of accomplishment when it's finished?
Or my love for very monotonous tasks?

And so, my loving husband got me a 1000 piece puzzle for Christmas.
It's actually pretty funny that he ended up getting me a puzzle, I searched and searched for one particularly difficult puzzle to give him. 
And failed. Oh well, next year?
So last night we set out to tackle the new puzzle. 
(Yes, I know Jonny's expression is priceless, he is always pulling faces)
Armed with hot cocoa and a pint of Graetor's Strawberry Chip Ice Cream(my favorite).
No, we didn't eat it all.I definitely could've though. Just sayin'
We did however, laugh...a lot.
You see Jonny, (as with most things) has puzzling down to a science.
Where I, (as with most things) have no science at all. I don't even like science.
But I'll give it to him, 
You probably need a science to finish this puzzle.
It's pretty similar to this one.
After much laughter and a little frustration,
more laughter
and sore necks.
We completed the puzzle border.
Ta Da!
happy Thursday everybody.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

"It'll rip your arm plumb off."

For Christmas my mother surprised me with
(well she knew I wanted one, but I definitely wasn't expecting to get it...)
a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer. 
It is a beautiful machine, I tell ya.
What I'm about to share with you is slightly embarrassing, but it's just gotta be shared.
Jonny happened to capture me, on video, gawking over the Kitchen Aid right 
as my father chimed in with his ever-so-common,
words of wisdom.
(It's embarrassing because, well who likes to see themselves gawking? Or even just hear their recorded voice? Not me.)
But here we go. If you know my dad, you know the following is classic Jeff Abramovitz material.

It's like in 'A Christmas Story' when Ralphie wants the Red Rider BB Gun
and everyone is telling him he'll shoot his eye out.
But the irony is folks, I got a BB Gun when I was seven
and now, at 23, I'm being warned/quizzed of the hazards of everyday kitchen appliances.

Ho hum.

Now that wasn't all the fun. Mom loved the sweater we got her.
Dad loved his books about guns that we got on our trip to the Frazier Museum.
And so did every other male in the family.
Jonny got some "man" shoes.
And a manly drill.
Jonny's parents sent us lots of goodies too.
The cutest sewing box and loads of little sewing necessities.
Jonny got his wish of a balaclava. 

Many wonderful British goodies.
Including the delicious Percy Pigs, and Tayto and Crunchie.


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